Let’s start with this.
What is Pixel Press Floors? from Pixel Press on Vimeo.
I mean Gamemaker has been around a long time, but mobile and touch devices are a bit of a panacea for making it obvious that we need better, simpler, more ubiquitous tools for interaction design. I actually downloaded TouchDevelop a while ago, but at best it’s inelegant, and more typically it’s kind of awful. Better than nothing, and gets more fluid over time, but still not good.
I’ve been thinking on this particular idea for a long time, and as with so many other ideas, this one simply escaped my grasp. I would like to be able to invent full-time, but my life has not gone in that direction. It could have, once upon a time. But it hasn’t.
The other day I saw the Hackaday competition and I decided to give it a shot because, frankly, failure isn’t scary or even surprising anymore. My project is Birdnet. We’ll see how it works out.
Failing that, I want to start a camp for young makers in Newfoundland. Preferably a mobile makerspace. I’m sure some of the makenerds in St. John’s would be into it. And I think it’s the future of manufacturing – local, distributed, ubiquitous.
But as I get older, more and more I want to contribute. I’d like to engage my peers, but I know that I have to engage kids as well, because the future is interesting, but it will be most interesting if the young’uns get to put themselves out there.
Speaking of which, hey Darren. Hope you’re having fun making things.