The Odd Magpie

The Odd Magpie

Michael Murphy-Burton


I do most of my game development as Perfect Minute Games, but there are also a bunch of posts on this blog documenting my experiments with games and game design. You can access both sets from this page.

  • Patch Prototype 2

    Just in time for the SJBOT 2018 Trade Show, here’s our latest prototype!

  • Demo Reel: Patch Prototype

    I got the art for the first prototype from Clay recently, and so I reached out to my music guy, Georgie, to get some sound to back the demo up. Georgie mentioned he’d like to get a demo video to help during composition, so I put something together last night. I’m tempted to call this…

  • Theorycrafting a fully-integrated Eve MMOFPS

    I’ve been doing a lot of game design of late, both for Beat Farmer and for other projects I’ve had in the back of my mind for a while. Having stumbled over Eve and its FPS tie-in ambitions again today, I kind of want to figure out what my approach to this might look like.…

  • Theorycrafting a fully-integrated Eve MMOFPS

    I’ve been doing a lot of game design of late, both for Beat Farmer and for other projects I’ve had in the back of my mind for a while. Having stumbled over Eve and its FPS tie-in ambitions again today, I kind of want to figure out what my approach to this might look like.…

  • Solo dev: Bizdev edition

    I’ve been working on getting the non-gameplay aspects of  Beat Farmer figured out of late, and that has meant getting some of the basics figured out for Perfect Minute as a functioning business. Before I did anything, I needed to commit to the business more heavily than I have been. I have an aversion to not…

  • WISP – Ire: Blood Memory

    Dev/Pub(?): 10Birds Store: Google Play Why I Stopped Playing There aren’t a lot of reasons I’d uninstall a game before playing it, but I:BM falls afoul of one of them by requiring access to my device ID and call information. There could certainly be legitimate reasons to ask for that permission (difficulty auto-pausing on some phones, for example,…