I wrote this a while back, but never did find a market for it. Still like it a lot, though.

In Bed With the Universe

The universe expands its dark arms around me
The heavy black depths of time stretch infinite
and this pale skin pressed against this dark cloth
shines only briefly after 14 billion years of evolution,
stellar and otherwise.

Infinity crashes into me, beggaring belief;
its invisible immensities stretch uncountable
and yet these hands setting these words adrift,
these complex machines, wriggle out of vast dark seas
abstract and all-consuming.

I sail through the darkness on the ship of my mind.
The deep someday stretches unreachable;
still I have a fading view
of a distant garden in a dim, cool barrens
in this finite box of salt and water and meat
in which I hold all creation.

New Hubble view of the Lagoon Nebula” by Hubble Space Telescope / ESA is marked with CC BY 2.0.